Game designer and publisher Stone Blade Entertainment is excited to announce that Ascension, the acclaimed deck-builder designed by Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Champion Justin Gary, is returning in an all-new stand-alone expansion designed for newcomers and long-time fans alike. Ascension Legends will begin crowdfunding on Gamefound on July 24, 2024.
Recruit mighty heroes and wield powerful constructs to defend the realm of Vigil from the monsters of Deoful. Ascension Legends is a brand-new stand-alone set compatible with other Ascension Deckbuilding sets. Followers have already unlocked sneak peeks at several new legendary art pieces and the two new cards that will feature in the set.
As part of this campaign, Stone Blade Entertainment is reprinting decks and promotional cards from previous Ascension sets so players can enjoy the wide variety of cards and mechanics introduced over the past decade.
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