As a reminder to all, I will be out at Gen Con once again doing convention coverage and performing interviews. As before, news will be limited to only the most important things and that which is submitted using the submission form or through e-mail. However, there will be daily updates (hopefully daily) regarding the convention and all the great things I find!
Aaron T. Huss
Roleplayers Chronicle
While you’re here, take a look at these awesome articles:
- Review: Paizo Publishing – Chronicle of the Righteous (Campaign Setting)
- Featured Product: Shadowrun 5th Edition – Cover to Cover (Part 1)
- Review: Palladium Books – Vampire Kingdoms (Rifts)
- Review: Arcanum Syndicate – Chaos 6010 AD
- Featured Product: Shadowrun 5th Edition – Characters (Part 2)
- Review: Paizo Publishing – Champions of Purity (Player Companion)
- Review: Pelgrane Press – Trail of Cthulhu (GUMSHOE)
- A Word in Edgewise… with Jason Hardy of Catalyst Game Labs
- Featured Product: Better Angels – First Impressions (Part 1)
- Under the Hood – Baseline Physics
- Designer’s Diary: Broken Tower – Shattered Moon (FateStorm)
- Fantasy Flight Games Launches Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta Test
- Designer’s Diary: 2Die10 – Excelsior
- Featured Product: Better Angels – How Does it Look? (Part 2)
- Review: Accessible Games – Psi-Punk (Fudge)
- Under the Hood – Shortcuts
- Under the Hood – Presenting for the Future
- Tales from the Gazebo – CLASSics: Rangers Lead the Way, Part 3
- Review: Wizards of the Coast – Dungeons of Dread (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
- Designer’s Diary: Pangenre, LLC – Pangenre
- Featured Product: Better Angels – Final Thoughts (Part 3)
- Tales from the Gazebo – CLASSics: Rangers Lead the Way, Part 4