Gen Con Report – Friday August 17 Highlights

I spent most of Friday working at the Triple Ace Games booth and doing coverage on the ENnie Awards. I live tweeted the award ceremonies so if you’re interested in seeing them, hop over to our Twitter feed and check it out. Otherwise I spoke with the guys at RPGWithMe to discuss their new online game-play tool. I was quite impressed with what I saw and happy to hear they have plans to build a character creation module for the tool and have plans to incorporate other game systems (it currently supports Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Savage Worlds).

For all who are at the convention and may see this today, the Savage Worlds edition of the All for One book from Triple Ace Games is slated to be available for purchase today!

I have interviews lined up this morning with Fable Streams and Hex Games and hope to do a few more spot interviews throughout the day.

Sorry for the thin update but there’s no shortage of great things to find while you’re here or you can follow our Twitter feed for great pictures of what’s available!

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