Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: Consult your Happiness Officer

KantCon: Consult your Happiness Officer By Cape Rust Sticking to my now recently established Con pattern, I started sniffing around to find an open seat in the 1400 to 1800 gaming slot. I saw that there was a Paranoia game with a few open seats during that time. Paranoia, I haven’t played Paranoia in years (actually it is closer to decades, but who’s counting). Paranoia is one of those games...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: Where I Become a Sentinel of the Multiverse

KantCon: Where I Become a Sentinel of the Multiverse By Cape Rust After that amazing Ingenium game, I hung around KantCon for a while longer before I had to leave to attend my regular game. I would have loved to stay and try to sit in on a game, but KantCon is only once a year and my regular gaming group is there all the time. They would have been fine without me, but they are a really great group...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: Elder Evils and Inquisitive Licks!

KantCon: Elder Evils and Inquisitive Licks! By Cape Rust After our Characters had been introduced it was time to start our adventure. It turns out that we had all been captured, knocked out and awoke in a cell. The cell didn’t have bars, it had walls and a door with a viewing slat and a small opening at the bottom to slide food in and out. We quickly came up with at least 5 different plans to...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: Playtested, Gamer Approved!

KantCon: Playtested, Gamer Approved! By Cape Rust After spending the morning watching other people game, window shopping with the vendors and conversing with some of my new friends, it came time for the 2 – 6 P.M. (I wish people would use the 24 hour clock over here, it is so much easier!) Ingenium game slot. You already know what I think of Silver Gryphon Games as a company so there is no need...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: the Morning After or Day 2

KantCon: the Morning After or Day 2 By Cape Rust The sensory overload that KantCon day 1 created, caused a severe case of verbal diarrhea (thanks to my wife Laurie for listening) and had my mind so full of gaming, sleep came slowly and fitfully. In fact I had the kind of sleepless night that I normally have when my regular gaming group is starting a new game. If I’m running the game my plot twists...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: Hanging with the Gryphons

KantCon: Hanging with the Gryphons By Cape Rust After sailing the 7th Sea I had the urge to complete one more walk around KantCon. My kitchen pass was diminishing fast (actually my wife is extremely supportive of my nasty little gaming habit, but why take advantage of her good nature). As I made my way to the rear right-hand corner of the main convention hall, I saw a familiar emblem. Now This emblem...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: 7th Sea

KantCon: 7th Sea By Cape Rust After my random (albeit epic) encounter with Chris Perrin, it was time for him to run his Mecha Game and time for me to find that empty chair at a gaming table I spoke of in our last episode. Entering the main hall was a full frontal assault to my gamer senses. Tables occupied by people who share the same passions that I do, combined with just the right amount of vendors...

Tales From the Gazebo – KantCon: Table Talk with Chris Perrin

KantCon: Table Talk with Chris Perrin By Cape Rust In my last episode, I mentioned my fortuitous meeting with Chris Perrin as I entered KantCon. Chris and I have traded quips on facebook for several years and this face to face meeting was an example of why being an active part of the gaming community is so important. We tend to forget that, like many organizations, we share a common interest and...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: In Processing

KantCon: In Processing By Cape Rust After completing my less than epic 45 minute drive to KantCon and being festooned with my badge of honor (press pass) and my epic SWAG bag that weighed as much as a phone book, I decided to head over to the event table. KantCon ran an extensive preregistration that included its Kickstarter project. I know that it has been done before, but KantCon’s preregistration...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: It’s All About the Destination

It’s All About the Destination By Cape Rust I’ve done plenty of traveling in my life and I have always heard that it’s about the journey, not the destination. In fact, I’ve even said the same thing myself. When it comes to conventions, sometimes the journey can be the best part of the experience. KantCon in Kansas City was all about the destination! This was my first year attending KantCon...

Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon Introduction

KantCon Introduction By Cape Rust The next few episodes of Tales From the Gazebo will be different. Instead of GMing advice I will be covering KantCon. I think it is important to take the time to cover conventions, because for some it is the only time during the year where they actually get to sit down with other gamers and roll polys. I know of several gamers who only dust off their books for conventions....

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Session Dictators and Democracy

Character Creation Session Dictators and Democracy By Cape Rust Now that we have dealt with the Character Creation Session (CCS) haters, it is time to prepare and execute the actual CCS. Depending on your game creation process, a majority of your planning for the CCS might already be done. However, if you have not been keeping notes or are just really tired of preparing for a game and want to get...

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Session Haters

Character Creation Session Haters By Cape Rust A good character creation session has the ability to shape and influence the success of a campaign. A good character creation session can excite your players, solidify inter-party relationships, and even give you as the GM some great plot hooks and adventure ideas. Bad character creation sessions can potentially disrupt or even destroy the gaming experience....

Tales from the Gazebo – The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC! Part 3

The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC! Part 3 By Cape Rust We have finally gotten to my favorite part of preparing for the character creation session: the rule of cool. It is a bit ironic that the rule of cool is so similar to an old rule about stupidity. The old rule about stupidity goes something like this: if it is stupid and it works, it is no longer stupid! The rule of cool advocates...

Tales from the Gazebo – The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC! Part 2

The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC! Part 2 By Cape Rust Last week, I pontificated about the importance of players and the considerations that must be made based on their desires. This week I will cover why considering what type of game you are running is a key element in the character creation process. If you’re lucky, I might even cover the final element of the Alliance method, the rule...

Tales from the Gazebo – The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC!

The Alliance Method: There be Hybrids on RPC! By Cape Rust The Alliance or Hybrid method is the third of the character creation three stooges. This is the method I try to use as much as possible when I’m running games. The Alliance method allows for maximum flexibility on both the players’ and GM sides. Sadly, the Alliance method isn’t just a matter of grabbing the Crew and Brown Coat creation...

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Part 2: The Brown Coat Method, Continued

Character Creation Part 2: The Brown Coat Method, Continued By Cape Rust Welcome back to my discussion of the Brown Coat or “independent method” for character development. We discussed some of the upsides and a few of the minor downsides to this method. I’d like to delve into some of the major downsides and end on a positive note. Because all of the players are developing their characters independently,...

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Part 2: The Brown Coat Method

Character Creation Part 2: The Brown Coat Method By Cape Rust There are thousands of Brown Coats out there. In the real world, they want to keep the signal going… they want the people in tinsel town to achieve cranial rectal separation and bring Firefly back. In the actual world of Firefly, the Brown Coats believed in freedom and independence. The Brown Coat method of character creation is...

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Part 1: Crew Style Creation (Continued)

Character Creation Part 1: Crew Style Creation (Continued) By Cape Rust I decided to start this portion of the series out with the crew style or party template method of character creation and last week I discussed at length the importance of selecting a leader for a party with a template. I mentioned a few possible positions characters could fill on a ship and some ways to accommodate player’s...

Tales from the Gazebo – Character Creation Part 1: Crew-style Creation

Character Creation Part 1: Crew Style Creation By Cape Rust Everything should now be outlined and you should have a general idea of how your adventure is going to run. Notice that I said general idea, not a specific plan for how your adventure will run. Some of you will remember that no plan survives the initial contact and this rule is almost as true in gaming as it is in warfare. Now we are moving...