The Old Cemetery
The Old Cemetery is a fantasy or horror battlemap with cartography by Simon Powell and published by DramaScape.
By Aaron T. Huss
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The Old Cemetery is possibly the creepiest cemetery I’ve ever seen. This is not the site of religious sorrow or continued respect for the dead, it is a place of horror embraced by the restless dead. Everything about this map screams bad news to anyone that dare enter. It is the perfect addition to your Halloween collection!
The Old Cemetery features a fenced-in cemetery weathered by many years. There is a collection of many burial plots with weathered headstones and small tombs, all decorated by creepy statues and uninviting fence. The grass shows true neglect and the entire scene looks like it’s straight from a horror movie. As an added bonus, a small collection of horror paper miniatures are included, ready to populate this true death trap. To entice adventure, the largest tomb stands prominently in the center of the map with a keystone path leading to its door. What lies within? This single piece is the perfect motivator for bringing your adventure into this obviously horrific cemetery.
The Old Cemetery could easily become wildly popular with those running horror adventures on Halloween. Everything about it portrays fear and you may be hard-pressed to convince the PCs to actually enter. It just has that look that says “You don’t want to be here.” I would love to see more maps in this style.
Publication Quality: 10 out of 10
The Old Cemetery is very square and thus cuts easily across multiple pages. The grid is lined up extremely well along the outer fence and the inclusion of the paper miniatures makes this a truly valuable find.
Visual Appeal: 10 out of 10
The textures of the grounds stand-out significantly, embracing that appearance of horror and desperation (should you venture inside). The features of the cemetery have been mixed between headstones, statues, small tombs, and other bits-and-pieces making the overall map very appealing and totally cool to look at. There is so much attention paid to detail that even the highlighting and shadows make every little detail really stand-out.
Desire to Use: 10 out of 10
If you’re looking for a great horror encounter location, this is a perfect option. However, The Old Cemetery doesn’t have to be limited to horror as it can easily be used for the zombie apocalypse, within fantasy adventures, or even as a prominent feature of an historical location. But when all is said and done, it really carries an air of horror and makes a great location for that style of encounter.
Overall: 10 out of 10
The Old Cemetery is an excellent map and a definite must have for anyone running an outdoors adventure in a horror setting or simply need to create a horrific atmosphere. The best part is that the horrific aspects of the map are not simply because it is a cemetery, but rather it’s because the design, chosen textures, weathering, and shadows that make it feel like a place of horror.