Letters from the Editor – Q3 Recap

Q3 Recap
By Aaron T. Huss

I don’t have anything else to say today other than here’s a look at traffic from July – September.

Visits: 17,920
Unique Visitors: 12,583
Pageviews: 29,919

Top 10 Most Popular Posts

  1. A Word in Edgewise… with James D. Sutton of FASA
  2. Under the Hood – The Future of Sales
  3. Review: Catalyst Games – Shadowrun 2050 (Shadowrun)
  4. Gen Con Report – Publisher Sneak Peak, Part I
  5. Gen Con 2012 Preparation – Know Before You Go
  6. A Brit’s First Experience at Gen Con
  7. Review: Chaosium, Inc – Nephilim (Basic Roleplaying)
  8. Review: Brutal Games – Corporation
  9. A Word in Edgewise… with Shane Hensley of Pinnacle Entertainment Group
  10. Review: Wizards of the Coast – Menzobarranzan (Dungeons & Dragons)

Top 10 Most Popular Reviews

  1. Review: Catalyst Games – Shadowrun 2050 (Shadowrun)
  2. Review: Chaosium, Inc – Nephilim (Basic Roleplaying)
  3. Review: Brutal Games – Corporation
  4. Review: Wizards of the Coast – Menzobarranzan (Dungeons & Dragons)
  5. Review: Rite Publishing – Adventure Quarterly #2 (Pathfinder)
  6. Review: Raging Swan Press – So What’s the Spellbook Like, Anyway? (Pathfinder)
  7. Review: Adamant Entertainment – MARS (Savage Worlds)
  8. Review: Triple Ace Games – Companion (Sundered Skies)
  9. Review: Kobold Press – Avarice (Monsters of Sin)
  10. Review: Raging Swan Press – Scions of Evil (Pathfinder)

Top 10 Most Popular Non-review Articles

  1. A Word in Edgewise… with James D. Sutton of FASA
  2. Under the Hood – The Future of Sales
  3. Gen Con Report – Publisher Sneak Peak, Part I
  4. Gen Con 2012 Preparation – Know Before You Go
  5. A Brit’s First Experience at Gen Con
  6. A Word in Edgewise… with Shane Hensley of Pinnacle Entertainment Group
  7. Under the Hood – The Best of the Unknown
  8. Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: In Processing
  9. Under The Hood – Hero Quest and Where It All Began
  10. Tales from the Gazebo – KantCon: It’s All About the Destination

Top 10 Most Active Systems (Ongoing)

  1. Pathfinder
  2. Universal (systemless & battlemaps)
  3. Savage Worlds
  4. Dungeons & Dragons
  5. Mutants & Masterminds
  6. Traveller
  7. Warhammer 40k (Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade)
  8. Shadowrun
  9. GURPS
  10. ICONS

Top 10 Most Active Publishers (Ongoing)

  1. Paizo Publishing
  2. Avalon Games
  3. Rite Publishing
  4. Fantasy Flight Games
  5. Green Ronin Publishing
  6. Super Genius Games
  7. Raging Swan Press
  8. Wizards of the Coast
  9. Steve Jackson Games
  10. Catalyst Game Labs

Top 10 Demographics (traffic)

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. Germany
  5. Poland
  6. France
  7. Australia
  8. Spain
  9. Brazil
  10. Italy

Top 10 Traffic Sources

  1. Google
  2. Direct
  3. Facebook
  4. Reddit
  5. Twitter
  6. Google Ad
  7. Facebook Mobile
  8. ENWorld
  9. Yahoo
  10. Bing

Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support of Roleplayers Chronicle.

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