The class playtest runs from December 9th, 2024 to January 31st, 2025 and gives players the opportunity to provide feedback on new mechanics.
Monday, December 9th [Seattle, WA]: Announced via a pre-recorded stream last Wednesday, December 4th, today marks the beginning of Paizo’s latest Pathfinder Second Edition class playtest. This playtest, which runs from December 9th, 2024 through January 31st, 2025, introduces two new classes—the necromancer and the runesmith. Players will have the opportunity to provide direct feedback on these new classes and their mechanics via surveys on
“Both of these classes explore concepts we’re excited to bring to Pathfinder Second Edition,” says James Case, Lead Developer for the Pathfinder Rules and Lore team, “The necromancer gives players a chance to fill the battlefield with disposable undead thralls, while the runesmith is a supportive martial character who can etch mystic inscriptions on themselves, their allies, and even enemies.”
Paizo soft-launched this playtest at PAX Unplugged this weekend before the full release, giving players at the convention the chance to view the playtest materials, build playtest characters, and use them in Pathfinder Society games.
Demiplane is supporting the playtest via Pathfinder Nexus, the online Pathfinder character creator. All users will have free access to all of the rules content associated with the playtest, allowing them to build necromancers and runesmiths online.
The Pathfinder design team will provide updates throughout the playtest process based on player feedback before closing the surveys at the end of January.
Note: All art used in this playtest document is placeholder art and does not reflect design concepts for future iconic heroes.
About Paizo
Paizo Inc. is publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, board games, accessories, and more! In the 20+ years since its founding, Paizo has received more than 100 major awards and has grown to become one of the most influential companies in the hobby games industry. Visit for more information.