Today, Modiphius Entertainment is making available two new sourcebooks for Infinity, the sci-fi space-opera RPG based on the tabletop skirmish universe from Corvus Belli. Infinity: Ships of the Human Sphere, and Infinity: Technology of the Human Sphere are available as PDFs. Both can now be purchased on the Modiphius web store.
Infinity: Ships of the Human Sphere (PDF)
Available for purchase at the Modiphius [UK] [US] online store
A complete catalog of all spacefaring vessels in the Human Sphere — human or otherwise — from humble dinghies and tugboats to planet-killer dreadnoughts and space stations! Ships of the Human Sphere includes:
- Information on the most powerful warships in the universe, including the majestic flagships of the G5 Nations
- A comprehensive guide to gear, upgrades, and customization options for your spaceships and your faithful crew
- Rules on how to engage your enemy amid the void, making sure you blow them to bits, be it on a one-to-one campaign or a full-fledged stellar fleet battle!
Infinity: Technology of the Human Sphere (PDF)
Available for purchase at the Modiphius [UK] [US] online store
The most inclusive list of equipment, gear, weapons, and vehicles of the Human Sphere with over 100 pages of tables including almost everything available in the galaxy! Technology of the Human Sphere includes:
- A comprehensive analysis of the technologies crucial for the well-being of the Human Sphere
- An overview of how to acquire, use, and enjoy the material blessings of the Human Sphere
- Ideas and rules on living (and surviving!) in a quantronic battlefield
- And tips for how to mod virtually anything
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