[Avalon Games] The Latest Products for the Best Month of the Year!

For some, this is one of the best months…. So here are some of the best products.


Arcana Journal #123
55 Pages

The true wonders of Arcana are explored in the monthly journals. Each issue focuses on a hex or faction within the game world, offering rumors, hidden lore, and detailed descriptions of all the important sites and people. Full-color maps (also offered in print-easy black and white) are provided, plus all sites of worthwhile note, such as towns and major adventure sites. Floor plans of castles and other locations are also offered.

In addition to this detailed write-up, each issue will also focus on other aspects of the game world, its history, important people, the Magi and gaming classes. When you add it all up, these journals take the mundane and make it magical. It is through the journals that the Arcana game world will grow, expand, and become a living place of adventure.


Avalon Clip Art, Character Portraits #12
AVG 1699-27
6 Pages

Over the years, Avalon Games has collected a ton of artwork for use in various games. Well, we got to thinking, why couldn’t you use this great art in your products? So, here it is, Avalon Clip Art! Each set within this series offers you a ton of great art and for a great price. Each product focuses on a set genre or character type and provides you with great filler art and character art for your gaming products.

Look for new sets to come out all the time, as we have thousands of pictures to offer, so have fun…

Usage Requirements/Limitations:

You may reduce, re-color, or crop any image included here. You may not resell these images in clip art packets or art collections.

If you use any of these images, in your product, you must include the statement:

“Some artwork copyrighted by Avalon Games, used with permission.”

By purchasing this product, you agree to these terms.

All work has been scanned at 300 DPI.

Why re-invent the wheel when Avalon Games has already done all the hard work?


Avalon’s Solo Adventure System, Rauh’s Roughnecks Book 2
AVG 6000-RR2
105 Pages
Jennifer Povey

Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.

Need to take a walk along a different road?  Breaking the law is just too much fun?  Well, Rauh’s Roughnecks is the best crew in town and they need a few good thieves.

This is the second in this series of solo adventures for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system. This is not a stand-alone game; you will need the core AsA system to play these adventures.


Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Rise of the Lich King
AVG 6000-CoD7
54 Pages
Jennifer Povey

It has been years since you put down your sword, adventures a thing of the past.  Then little Hope is attacked and you find you must, for the last time, battle the forces of evil.

“Rise if the Lich King” is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the seventh book in the Child of Destiny series.

Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.


Coming Soon!
AVG 8000
Dreadnaught: (archaic), one who fears nothing. 

Dreadnaught is a medieval fantasy roleplaying game that features all the familiar hallmarks: exploration, combat, and magic. Each player rolls dice to determine the outcome of actions their character takes in these scenarios, which are structured by a game master. But be wary. Death lurks in every adventure. You and your fellow adventurers must tactically coordinate your actions lest you succumb to the myriad dangers surrounding every step. Set in an ambivalent world, Dreadnaught offers an alternative to traditional RPGs with immersive systems to explore and a strategic breadth of options for both game masters and players alike.


Happy birthday to fellow Leos,

Jen Sadler
Promotional Manager for Avalon Games

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