The Cthulhu Britannica London Boxed Set is Now Live on Kickstarter

Cubicle 7 Entertainment has launched, and already funded, their new Cthulhu Britannica boxed set: London.

Back the Kickstarter here.

We want to make the ultimate boxed setting for 1920s London for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Beautiful artwork to inspire you, gorgeous maps to lose yourself in, evocative tomes on the city and its Mythos secrets to terrify, enthral, and immerse you in the glamour and smog of the capital of the Empire.

This is a project that has been years in the making, and has attracted a huge amount of support from the community, with the biggest stumbling point is that smaller-volume print runs of boxed sets just don’t work financially. Kickstarter gives us the chance to overcome that hurdle and bring you the ultimate 1920s Cthulhu London setting.

As well as the fantastic boxed set, you can also get original content from a dazzling array of gaming luminaries. First up is a series of postcards you can use as inspiration or in-game handouts, with the initial postcard written by none other than Sandy Petersen. Sandy designed the Call of Cthulhu RPG, numerous other games and adventures, and most recently the Cthulhu Wars boardgame.

You can also get involved in the investigations of Neve Selcibuc, freshly returned from a troubling experience in Scotland, as she is drawn into the nefarious plots afoot in London.

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