Letters from the Editor – September Traffic Report


September Traffic Report
By Aaron T. Huss

Yes, I know. I dropped the ball on posting this last month. To many of you, it may seem trivial, but to the publishers we support, this can be very important. In general, traffic was down last month, but we had some pretty awesome articles that were posted.

Visitors: ~6,100
Pageviews: ~47,000
RSS Feed: ~21,000

Top 25 Most Popular Posts

  1. Review: Palladium Books – Vampire Kingdoms (Rifts)
  2. Review: Wizards of the Coast – Dungeons of Dread (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
  3. Designer’s Diary: Melior Via – Accursed (Savage Worlds)
  4. Under the Hood – A Unified Whole
  5. A Word in Edgewise… with John Dunn, Ross Watson, and Jason Marker about Accursed
  6. Designer’s Diary: Mystical Throne Entertainment – Mythos (Savage Worlds)
  7. Under the Hood – Come for the Mechanics, Stay for the Story
  8. Divine Instruments for Part-Time Gods Kickstarter Now Live
  9. Review: Arcanum Syndicate – Chaos 6010 AD
  10. Review: Pen & Forge Productions – Discovery and Deliverance (Lost City of the Dwarves)
  11. A Word in Edgewise… with Kevin Rohan of Silver Gryphon Games
  12. The Making of Pirates & Dragons, The RPG
  13. Review: Rite Publishing – Adventure Quarterly #4 (Pathfinder)
  14. Third-Party Publishers Team-up to Bring Down the Big Ones
  15. Tabletop Towns from Julian Hicks
  16. Review: Rite Publishing – 101 Variant Monsters (Pathfinder)
  17. Pathfindermodules.com, a New 3.5 Dedicated Site, Begins its Journey
  18. Accursed Savage Worlds Dark Fantasy Kickstarter is Now Live
  19. A Word in Edgewise… with Colen McAlister of Lone Wolf Development
  20. Tales from the Gazebo – CLASSics: Rangers Lead the Way, Part 8
  21. A Word in Edgewise… with Ivan Van Norman of Hunters Books
  22. New for Heroic Role-playing
  23. Pirates & Dragons and Stab City! RPGs on Kickstarter
  24. The Robotic Age RPG Kickstarter, a Game of Android Action
  25. Achtung! Cthulhu: Showdown! Coming 2014

Top 12 Most Popular Reviews

  1. Review: Palladium Books – Vampire Kingdoms (Rifts)
  2. Review: Wizards of the Coast – Dungeons of Dread (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
  3. Review: Arcanum Syndicate – Chaos 6010 AD
  4. Review: Pen & Forge Productions – Discovery and Deliverance (Lost City of the Dwarves)
  5. Review: Rite Publishing – Adventure Quarterly #4 (Pathfinder)
  6. Review: Rite Publishing – 101 Variant Monsters (Pathfinder)
  7. Review: Rite Publishing – Autumn Moon Bath House (Kaidan)
  8. Review: Wizards of the Coast – Magic Item Compendium (Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Premium)
  9. Review: Reality Blurs – Agents of Oblivion (Savage Worlds)
  10. Review: Accessible Games – Psi-Punk (Fudge)
  11. Review: Fantasy Flight Games – Blood of Martyrs (Dark Heresy)
  12. Review: Paizo Publishing – Chronicle of the Righteous (Campaign Setting)

Top 16 Most Popular Articles

  1. Designer’s Diary: Melior Via – Accursed (Savage Worlds)
  2. Under the Hood – A Unified Whole
  3. A Word in Edgewise… with John Dunn, Ross Watson, and Jason Marker about Accursed
  4. Designer’s Diary: Mystical Throne Entertainment – Mythos (Savage Worlds)
  5. Under the Hood – Come for the Mechanics, Stay for the Story
  6. A Word in Edgewise… with Kevin Rohan of Silver Gryphon Games
  7. The Making of Pirates & Dragons, The RPG
  8. Tabletop Towns from Julian Hicks
  9. A Word in Edgewise… with Colen McAlister of Lone Wolf Development
  10. Tales from the Gazebo – CLASSics: Rangers Lead the Way, Part 8
  11. A Word in Edgewise… with Ivan Van Norman of Hunters Books
  12. Tales from the Gazebo – CLASSics: Rangers Lead the Way, Part 9
  13. Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games, a Primer
  14. Under the Hood – A Guiding Hand
  15. A Word in Edgewise… with Jason Hardy of Catalyst Game Labs
  16. Designer’s Diary: Pangenre, LLC – Pangenre

We’ve been doing more work connecting with publishers to provide a package of ways to help them promote their products and Kickstarters. This has been very well received and we will continue these efforts going forward. Also, we launched our Podcast channel, Critical Ramblings of a Gamer, last month to feature interviews (such as those from Gen Con), reviews, and an audio series of Under the Hood.

Thanks everyone for another awesome month!

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