Review: Rite Publishing – 101 Bard Feats (Pathfinder)

101 Bard Feats
101 Bard Feats is an epic fantasy supplement from the 101 Series of supplements for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game written by Steven D. Russel and published by Rite Publishing.
By Venus De Coy

Learn more about 101 Bard Feats here
Purchase 101 Bard Feats here
Find other 101 Series products here

101 Bard Feats is 26 pages of new options so that the vision you have of your master of lore and song can easily be obtained and explored. It offers support to all of the class archetypes from the Animal Speaker to the Street Performer. It also offers the options of gaining some of these feats through the versatile performance class feature and making use of your rounds of bardic performance as an expendable resource, as well as expanding upon the role of bard beyond being an artisan, but embracing its role as a master of charm and lore. It is currently available for $5.99 at DriveThruRPG.


For me, this is a great expansion of the bard class. If you are looking for more options for the bard class, this is definitely a great option to make available at a campaign table. Personally, I don’t play bards, but there are definitely a lot of people who do, so this is definitely something for those who play “resident bards” to expand their creativity and flexibility depending on the campaign.


Publication Quality: 10 out of 10
Presentation of Layout: The presentation is very simple, clean and easy to read. Bookmarks are a little hit or miss, but not so bad that it makes navigating impossible, or will frustrate the person who is looking for something specific.

Ease of Mobility: The file is small and under 10MB. This makes it easy to navigate, and transfer back and forth from computer to mobile. It’s easily to scroll via tablet as well.

Mechanics: 9 out of 10
Mechanically, there are no serious rules issues. But if you plan on using feats from this add-on, be sure to double check that they don’t counteract with other rules in the Pathfinder RPG system. Some of the feats can actually work against a Bard’s build if not put in proper application. Also, as I say with all 3rd party material, make sure you show a copy to your GM before you implement it so the GM can give you approval.

Value Add: 10 out of 10
101 Bard Feats adds a lot more versatility to not only archetypes that are already in place in Pathfinder, but if you are building a custom bard, definitely adds flavor. The price is also right for the item and the information that you get for it.

Overall: 10 out of 10
Overall, the presentation is nice and simple, it’s got a good wealth of information and options for bards and GM’s who are looking to spruce up the bard NPC’s that a party may meet along the way.

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