Review: Rogue Games – Boston Besieged

Product Name: Boston Besieged
Publisher: Rogue Games
Author: Graeme Davis, Richard Iorio II
System: 12°
Setting: Colonial Gothic
Theme: Alternate History, Colonial America, Low Fantasy, Horror
Type: Campaign (Flames of Freedom Volume I)

Boston Besieged is a combination release for Colonial Gothic. Part of the book contains a sourcebook for Boston during the Boston Siege of the Revolutionary War. The remainder of the book is dedicated to the Boston Besieged adventure, the first part to the Flames of Freedom campaign. Boston Besieged takes historical events surrounding the Revolutionary War and gives them a Colonial Gothic twist by allowing the heroes to not only become a part of the events, but the reason the events were possible. This adventure really allows the players to get fully absorbed into a slice of history that was a major turning point for America.

Boston Besieged is not only a fantastically written adventure module, it is a 360-degree look at one part of the Revolutionary War and how Colonial Gothic can become (or is) a part of that history and possibly affect its outcome.


The sourcebook portion of Boston Besieged fully details Boston and its place within the Revolutionary War, including the siege of Boston. Details about major societies and people are an important part of this detail ranging from John Hancock to Paul Revere. This section is primarily a historical look at the events leading up to the adventure along with events surrounding the overall campaign. But do not think this is simply a history report, for each section includes Adventure Seeds on how to incorporate this information into Boston Besieged or any other Colonial Gothic adventure or campaign.

The sourcebook portion moves on to mapping Boston and its important locations, which come into play within the Boston Besieged adventure. This includes a map of Boston in 1775 and a look at the surrounding islands. These locations are often illustrated, in a style of that era, and fully detailed including a bit of background and their importance within the setting (the setting being created for the adventure).


The Boston Besieged adventure is broken into four different parts. Each one is playable on their own while being linked in one way or another. Each part is slightly unique from the next with the heroes becoming a part of different areas of the siege. The adventure itself allows the players and their characters to become an integral part of the Revolutionary War and the siege of Boston. Each part is a different type of mission the heroes are hired to perform. These missions follow a fairly lateral direction but can be played individually if desired. These missions are written in a way that links them together but does not necessarily require one to be a prerequisite of another.

The heroes find themselves interfacing with a series of important Patriots who call upon the heroes to perform tasks that are integral parts of the Patriotic movement against the British onslaught. Each mission takes the heroes different parts of Boston, becoming a bigger part of the efforts to stop the Redcoats and others who are working from the shadows. However, I won’t divulge anymore of the adventure and risk spoilers.


Boston Besieged is an absolutely epic adventure to an even more epic campaign. Not that the size is epic, or the combat is epic, but what the heroes are doing is epic in nature. Boston Besieged takes actual historic events (or at least speculative events) and gives them a Colonial Gothic twist filled with fantasy and horror. Boston Besieged is a perfect example of how to make Alternate History truly shine.


Publication Quality: 10 out of 10
Rogue Games’ publications always seem to follow high-quality layouts and presentations with great supporting illustrations. Boston Besieged is beautifully laid-out and its presentation is superb. The adventure flows wonderfully from beginning to end and I never had to flip back to a previous page. The illustrations are fantastic, especially the map of Boston in 1775. Even the cover looks great in a simple sort of way.

Storyline: 10 out of 10
This is one of the best storylines I’ve ever read. Although considering that it takes place during an actual historical event and places the heroes within its midst, affecting the outcome. The siege of Boston during the Revolutionary War really comes to life with wonderful Colonial Gothic twists and turns that should provide for hours of superb game-play.

Desire to Play:10 out of 10
Adventures within Colonial Gothic can take many different directions from alternate looks at historical events to simple adventures through the thirteen colonies. Being able to go toe-to-toe with some of the largest figures in history is something miraculous. To become a part of the Revolutionary War, this is what Colonial Gothic is about. All player’s should become a part of this campaign and create their own little mark upon the world and further the patriotic effort.

Overall: 10 out of 10
Boston Besieged is a definite must have for all players and GMs. Players will find an abundance of usable information considering background, connections, allies and characteristics that can be applied to their player character within the sourcebook section. GMs will find a historical look at Boston that they may not have considered with the start to an epic campaign. Rogue Games really spend their time making this one perfect.

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