“Dark dealings in the Shaded Souq” takes the protagonists on an exhilarating adventure, introducing the characters to the intrigue and viciousness hidden beneath the pristine facades and gilded domes of the Khameeliya district.

“While establishing contact with a burgeoning human commune in the Khameeliya district, the protagonists find themselves framed for massacring exotic animals belonging to the powerful Ghurayb guild. Incriminated in a virulent conspiracy and seeking to exonerate themselves before vigilante justice catches up to them, they unwittingly stumble across a plot with implications far beyond the Eternal City. The protagonists have to use whatever guile, diplomacy and martial prowess they can muster to survive the intricate manoeuvrings of traders, esoteric beings and callous killers alike.”

  • 89-page full-colour PDF adventure for BLACK VOID RPG.
  • Ideally suited for four to six characters, each in the 65-75 character points range.
  • 15+ enticing antagonists, allies and other NPC’s.
  • Three novel creatures with full stats, artwork and descriptions.
  • New detailed area and location maps.
  • First ever released stats for Jinassar squads, Civic guards and more.
  • Easily useable as a campaign starter with added plot suggestions.
  • Original artworks by the core book artists.
  • The scenario is created for the BLACK VOID D12 system.

This adventure is an indispensable resource for Arbiters eager to introduce the Khameeliya district to their players and further explore the merchant quarter of Llyhn the Eternal.

“Dark dealings in the Shaded Souq” is the first in a series of Black Void scenarios that can be played separately or readily integrated into ongoing campaigns. The exciting storyline is self-contained but encompasses events tied to the grand campaign, making it a must-have accessory for the discerning Black Void player and Arbiter.


©2020 Christoffer Sevaldsen – All rights reserved

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