Letters from the Editor – February, 2013 Traffic Report

February, 2013 Traffic Report
By Aaron T. Huss

Even with February being a short month, we saw a nice flow of traffic across the website.

February’s Traffic Numbers
(These numbers are approximate)

Pageviews: 55,500
Visitors: 5,650
RSS Feed: 9,400

Most Popular February Posts

  1. Review: Kobold Press – Player’s Guide to the Dragon Empires (Midgard)
  2. Shadowrun Fifth Edition Cover: Crafting An Icon
  3. Review: Enhanced 4E – Combat in Motion (Dungeons & Dragons)
  4. Review: Kobold Press – Journeys to the West (Midgard)
  5. Review: Cakebread & Walton – Ruined Empires (Airship Pirates)
  6. Review: Game Room Creations – The Modern Path (Pathfinder)
  7. Under the Hood – Moving Out of the Basement
  8. Review: Dramascape – Wagons Roll
  9. Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games: Draw Lunger!
  10. Review: Catalyst Game Labs – Dirty Tricks (Shadowrun)

Most Popular January Reviews

  1. Review: Kobold Press – Player’s Guide to the Dragon Empires (Midgard)
  2. Review: Enhanced 4E – Combat in Motion (Dungeons & Dragons)
  3. Review: Kobold Press – Journeys to the West (Midgard)
  4. Review: Cakebread & Walton – Ruined Empires (Airship Pirates)
  5. Review: Game Room Creations – The Modern Path (Pathfinder)
  6. Review: Dramascape – Wagons Roll
  7. Review: Catalyst Game Labs – Dirty Tricks (Shadowrun)
  8. Books for Role-players: R.A. Salvatore – Charon’s Claw
  9. Review: Third Eye Games – South America (Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.)
  10. Review: Fantasy Flight Games – The Lathe Worlds (Dark Heresy)

Most Popular January Articles

  1. Under the Hood – Moving Out of the Basement
  2. Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games: Draw Lunger!
  3. Convention Report – Climbing the (Bigger) Game Summit 2013
  4. Under the Hood – What’s in a Name?
  5. Tales from the Gazebo – Sidebar: What’s Love got to do With it?
  6. Letters from the Editor – January, 2013 Traffic Report
  7. Under the Hood – A Level Playing Field
  8. Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games: Swashbuckling Balls! (Musket balls that is)
  9. Under the Hood – Monopolizing the RPG
  10. Guest Spot – DnD Next Playtest Review

Most Active Genres (Ongoing)

  1. Epic Fantasy
  2. Superhero
  3. Fantasy (untyped)
  4. Space Opera
  5. Retro Fantasy (OSR)
  6. Generic Universal (no/all genre)
  7. Historical (untyped)
  8. Post-Apocalyptic
  9. Modern (untyped)
  10. Modern Action

Most Active Systems (Ongoing)

  1. Pathfinder
  2. Universal (systemless)
  3. Savage Worlds
  4. Dungeons & Dragons
  5. Mutants & Masterminds
  6. Traveller
  7. Shadowrun
  8. Warhammer 40k (Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Only War, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade)
  9. ICONS
  10. GURPS

Most Active Settings (Ongoing)

  1. Cthulhu Mythos
  2. Heroes Wear Masks (Avalon Games)
  3. NeoExodus (LPJ Design)
  4. Coliseum Morpheuon (Rite Publishing)
  5. Midgard (Kobold Press)
  6. Otherverse Games (Skortched Urf’ Studios)
  7. Suzerain (Savage Mojo)
  8. WatchGuard (Xion Studios)
  9. Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games)
  10. War of the Dead (Daring Entertainment)

Most Active Publishers (Ongoing)

  1. Paizo Publishing
  2. Rite Publishing
  3. DramaScape
  4. Raging Swan Press
  5. Avalon Games
  6. Super Genius Games
  7. Fantasy Flight Games
  8. Occult Moon
  9. Catalyst Game Labs
  10. Christian Hollnbuchner

Thank you everyone for a wonderful February! Make sure you check Roleplayers Chronicle everyday to get the latest news and at 2:00 PM CST for our Featured Article.

Aaron T. Huss
Roleplayers Chronicle

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