Review: Rite Publishing – 101 Special Materials and Power Components (Pathfinder)

101 Special Materials and Power Components
101 Special Materials and Power Components is an epic fantasy supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game written by Steven D. Russell and published by Rite Publishing.
By Venus De Coy

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101 Special Materials and Power Components, is a 31 page sourcebook that focuses on bringing you new special materials, that do not render the existing special materials useless, and versatile power components, which alter or augment a spell’s normal effects in new and interesting ways; it adds a bit more spice to a spellcaster’s life. In addition, a number of these items affect the spells generated by magical items or alter the very nature of an item operates so that it become more than just a spell in a box. It is currently available at DriveThruRPG for $5.99


I think this is a great product. It definitely adds flavor and options to make your spells even more powerful. If you are a caster, and/or the GM of casters and are looking for ways to give the caster a little more “oopmh” than just the normal spell component, 101 Special Materials and Power Components is a great place to look.


Publication Quality: 9 out of 10
Presentation of Layout: It is done in the traditional format of Rite Publishing. Most of the artwork is public domain which is also nice.

Ease of Mobility: Files are nice and light, and easy to navigate. The bookmarks are off again, but it’s not a deal breaking issue.

Mechanics: 10 out of 10
Mechanically this is a sound product. No one product is too overpowering, but at the same time, there is quite a lot of good stuff that can be used for casters and fighters alike.

Value Add: 10 out of 10
All the items that are in this product are very well done! It is something that even I am considering in my future adventures and possible writings.

Overall: 10 out of 10
The final verdict for this product is that I like it for both gaming purposes and for writing purposes. Although we cannot use the product for OGL purposes, it’s definitely good for the campaign writer in all of us.

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