Review: Alea Publishing Group – Noble

Product Name: Noble
Publisher: Alea Publishing Group
Author: Joshua Raynack
System: Dungeons & Dragons
Setting: Feudal Lords
Series: Characters
Theme: Medieval, Dark Fantasy
Type: Supplement

Characters: Noble is a new multiclass character type for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. This particular supplement is an extract from the Adventurer’s Guide to Cthonia making it somewhat short, but still filled with everything you need to create a Noble character. Slightly different than the multiclass mechanic listed in the Player’s Handbook, the Noble mutliclass is significantly more detailed and fleshed out with loads of new options and possibilities. The Feudal Lords setting is stated as a Dark Medieval Fantasy setting and the concept of Nobles helps to support that Medieval “look and feel”.

The Noble multiclass is similar in mechanics to the Warlord class with a new design for the power type, called Bloodline. The premise is that a Noble’s power stems from their royal family history in how they may aid and benefit the character throughout any combat encounter.


While the supplement may be short, there’s no shortage of great material contained throughout. This multiclass provides a number of new options for playing a more humanistic setting, introducing royalty into a campaign, or simply creating another unique character for the players to explore. One thing to note is that the Noble multiclass is meant for those with strength in melee and not magic as the majority of the powers are Melee Weapon based with a mixture of ranged Psychic attacks.


Publication Quality: 9 out of 10
For a small publisher, the quality of the layout and presentation of the content is superb! Alea Publishing has followed the high quality displayed by the Player’s Handbook and keeps true with its purpose and material. The new powers are in-line with what is presented in the Player’s Handbook but with new ideas and flavor text that enhance this new multiclass. The only thing it truly lacks is an expanded description of what a Noble truly is, be it narrative or by presenting “build” options. The publication could benefit from a more 3-dimensional look at the Noble as a character and not just a multiclass. To add to all this wonderful material, Alea Publishing has included all the Power Cards for these new powers in the back of the supplement.

Mechanics: 10 out of 10
Needless to say, I really like the idea of being able to create a Noble as a multiclass, especially a Noble Warlord. Not only are new powers presented, but these powers draw upon a new “source” (bloodline). I find this to be a fantastic way of presenting original ideas into a system that already is filled with lots of powers and mechanics.

Value Add: 9 out of 10
It’s tough to add to the comments already stated about the new material added throughout. The option to create a Noble character can be quite valuable to those seeking more role-playing opportunities or those looking to make their characters more unique than the ones otherwise found. The Noble multiclass also has a more humanistic feel for those looking to move away from the standard fantastic races or those trying to recreate a typical feudal system from Medieval times.

Overall: 9 out of 10
Overall I highly recommend GMs and players taking a look at the Noble multiclass not only for it’s possibilities but for the setting that could be created around the use of Nobles. Just taking a look at this supplement makes me want to see more of the Feudal Lords setting for Dungeons & Dragons.

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