101 Magus Feats
101 Magus is part of the 101 series of supplements for the Pathfinder Fantasy system written by Steven D. Russell and published by Rite Publishing.
By Cape Rust
Learn more about 101 Magus Feats here.
Download 101 Magus Feats here.
The Magus is a complex hybrid character class for the Pathfinder Fantasy system that is flavorful right out of the gate. With 101 Magus Feats, Rite Publishing has kicked things up a notch for the already yummy Magus.
101 Magus Feats is 31 pages long with 101 feats detailed on 26 of those pages. The feats in this supplement are broken down by archetype. The specific archetypes the feats are designed for are: the Arcana Lord, Cabalist, Magavan, Tovenaar, Bladebound, Hexcrafter, Kensai, Mymidarch, Skirnir, Soul Forger, Spellblade, Spire Defender and the Staff Magus as well as feats for the standard Magus.
101 Magus Feats is more than just a list of feats for one class. 101 Magus Feats takes Archetypes into consideration and categorizes the feats presented in this book to create a user-friendly product that is well-thought out and well-executed. Rite Publishing has always gotten crunch right and with 101 Magus Feats they have listened to feedback from the “field” and continue to tweak their format in ways that benefit players and Game Masters alike.
Publication Quality: 9 out of 10
The cover of 101 Magus Feats looks amazing. Rite Publishing went went with their black faux leather pattern this time and the combination of the black “leather” with an outstanding picture of what I could best describe as a dominmagus. This lady looks tough; her sword, while completely impractical, is really wicked looking. Combine the wicked looking sword with stiletto heeled boots, an exposed midriff and spiked spaulders and you have the makings of a woman I wouldn’t want to cross; add the fact that she is casting some type of spell and things only get more interesting. This supplement uses Rite Publishing’s sepia lion boarder which I have yet to have a problem with. The feat entries are standard fare and easy to read. Some of the interior art in the book still fell short for my tastes but the art or images that were chosen normally had a description below them letting me know what feat each image went with. Those small captions make a world of difference. The sinister harbinger picture on page 23 was awesome! One of the best aspects of 101 Magus Feats is the chart listing all of the feats with a brief description. I have seen these charts 100s of times; what made this chart really matter was they broke it down by magus archetype. This small act makes the product much more user-friendly.
Mechanics: 10 out of 10
These feats are mechanically sound. Rite Publishing has always done a good job of keeping mechanics in mind when they design and produce their products. Mechanics is another area where I felt that Rite really hit a home run in 101 Magus Feats. Many of the Archetypes that Rite developed for this product were actually written by Pazio or other third party publishers. All of the archetypes are properly referenced and credited to their originators. There are plenty of third party developers out there and they rarely go out of their way to support concepts that other third party developers come up. I have said that Rite Publishing is good about supporting their products with additional supplements; with 101 Magus Feats, they have just turned themselves into that mom in the neighborhood who feeds all of the kids on the block because she loves to do it and because it is the right thing to do. This mutually supportive environment is what the RPG industry needs.
Value Add: 10 out of 10
Who doesn’t like more feats? 101 feats for your Magus are great, but they are even better when they are this well-written and organized. As far as value, this product is useful on both sides of the screen. As a GM I could add a few of these to any Magus NPC to throw my players a curve ball. When I use this product I will consider actually giving my NPC Magus feats that are normally associated with an Archetype they do not possess just to mix things up.
Overall: 10 out of 10
There is nothing revolutionary about this product. The feats chart I mentioned earlier is a standard, but by placing it in the front of 101 Magus Feats and organizing the feats by Archetype, Rite Publishing did players and GMs a favor. Third party RPG companies work together all of the time, but Rite seems to show special love to their fellow publishers. Their quality work and the way Rite Publishing handles the feats for other publishers concepts shows they are in this business for their customers.