10 Luckbringer Feats
10 Luckbringer Feats is designed to work with The Secrets of Luckbringer (by Steven D. Russell) , a supplemental class for the Pathfinder Fantasy system written by Steven D. Russell and published by Rite Publishing
By Cape Rust
You can learn more about 10 Luckbringer Feats here
You can purchase 10 Luckbringer Feats here
Once again Steven D. Russell and the crew over at Rite publishing provide even more support for their creations of RPG goodness by adding additional feats for the Luckbringer class.
10 Luckbringer Feats is 5 pages long with 2 pages of content.
This is one of those short and sweet, no frills kind of products. Rite Publishing knows how to support the products they make and the classes they develop and these 10 feats make the Luckbringer just that much more playable.
Publication Quality: 8 out of 10
The cover of 10 Luckbringer Feats is a departure from the normal faux leather cover of many Rite Publishing products. The best way to describe it would be that it is like watching the Prince of Persia jumping off of the Arch De Triumph getting ready to kick the reader in the face while singing, or casting a spell or getting ready to make an obscure gesture with his hand. The full color background is a nice change of pace, but when you combine it with the acrobatic breast plate wearing Prince of Persia wanna be, it becomes less appealing. It almost looked like old school green screen, think Total Recall. The picture of this Faux P of P is repeated on the first interior page and without the CGI background and smaller it looks much better. This product uses Rite Publishing’s Sepia Lion border which always looks great . The text is easily readable and the feat format is standard. No need for an index with only 2 pages. There is a short paragraph which lets the read know where to find the entire Luckbringer class write-up. I think a Hyperlink to The Secrets of the Luckbringer would be great in the PDF version. This would allow me to buy the base class if these feats interested me.
Mechanics: 10 out of 10
The Luckbringer is a crunchy class and these feats do nothing to make it more chewable. People who are playing Luckbringers and GMs who are allowing them in their games or running NPCs with Luckbringer levels understand this and won’t bat an eye at the extra crunch and flavor these feats add.
Value Add: 9 out of 10
If you have the Improbable Class feature, this is the product for you! 7 of the 10 feats require the improbable class feature while the remaining 3 require the Moment of chance class feature. Some of these could be tweaked, but I think the requirements are balanced as-is.
Overall: 9 out of 10
If a GM or player at your table is remotely interested in playing a Luckbringer, check this product out. Will these 10 feats go down in history as the greatest feats developed for a class ever? Probably not; however they seem balanced, well-written and show that Rite Publishing won’t leave you hanging; if they develop a class or a product they are good at supporting them in subsequent supplements. In the end, it is a win for the publisher and player. Hats off to Steven D. Russell and Rite Publishing, what you do for RPGs it is no easy feat.