Review: Rite Publishing – 10 Taskshaper Feats (Pathfinder)

10 Taskshaper Feats
10 Taskshaper Feats provides 10 feats for the Taskshaper class for the Pathfinder Fantasy system written by Steven D. Russell and published by Rite Publishing.
By Cape Rust

When new base classes are developed and introduced they are often left to fend for themselves. They tend to receive little support in the way of magic items and feats. For fans of the utilitarian Taskshaper class, never fear; Steven D. Russell and the folks over at Rite Publishing have not abandoned the Taskshaper, and even show this fledgling class some love with 10 Taskshaper Feats.


This tome will break your back at a whopping 6 pages, three of which contain the 10 Taskshaper feats. That’s right, no new races, no new templates, just ten feats designed for the Taskshaper.


I applaud Rite Publishing and Steven D. Russell for stepping up as the Taskshapers baby daddy. As previously mentioned, people tend to abandon their creations to whither. As a player who enjoys playing unusual classes, I always get giddy when products like this are released. I have been forced to develop my own feats for under-supported classes in the past and having the actual developer of the class produce something like this is a godsend.


Publication Quality: 9 out of 10
Instead of their normal faux brown leather cover style, Rite went with a green-hued faux leather cover, which actually works really well with the green and black cover art. The picture goes well enough with the content. One of the hallmarks of the Taskshaper is the ability to change into a dragon form. This drawing gives the reader a sense of transformation but the end creature depicted is an eagle, not a dragon. Based on the unusual qualities of the Taskshaper I can see where finding stock art to depict the class would be difficult. I would have recommended original art for this product, but I’m satisfied with the art they chose and the use of green and black instead of black and white was different and appreciated. The feat write-ups were well-done and in familiar formats. Rite used it’s sepia lion border which always works well. I would have love to see the Taskshaper class written up in the product or a small introductory write-up on the first page, call me old fashioned, I like a little fore-play.

Mechanics: 10 out of 10
This is Rite Publishing, what do you expect? Rite thinks before they publish when it comes to mechanics. Their products are well-thought out and while they can get complicated at times, they always provide an outstanding payoff. The Taskshaper is a paperwork intensive class and the addition of these feats will add to that paperwork. The good news is that because the amount of feats a character gets is limited, each and every one feels like they are worth taking. I always fret over which feats to take and all of these would interest me if I was playing a Taskshaper.

Value Add: 10 out of 10
If you are playing a Taskshaper or if you are a GM who is running a Taskshaper NPC these feats are golden. If there are no Taskshapers in your game or in the foreseeable future, then this product has limited use for you. Some of the feats can be tweaked for other shape-changing classes.

Overall: 10 out of 10
My only real problem with this product is its length. All three pages that contain the write-ups for the feats are well-done, but this should be an erratum to the Taskmaster class write-up as opposed to a stand-alone product or like other Rite Publishing products, could have been included in another supplement. However, at a cost of 10 cents (US) per feat how can you go wrong? Rite Publishing, thanks for being a responsible parent and looking after your intellectual children.

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