Development Review: Contested Ground Studios – Sunshine

Contested Ground Studios has sent out a request for reviewers to provide feedback and suggestions for their new Sunshine RPG currently in development.  I have signed up to be one of those reviewers and dug right in getting wrapped up in the currently available material.

Sunshine is a rotating-GM system with a unique setting that blends themes that are typically set apart from each other.  It’s often difficult to mix themes in a way that is fluid and doesn’t result in a clunky setting with mechanics that don’t always make sense.  But Sunshine does an excellent job of blending Cyberpunk with the (very near) past instead of the near future (using an even that actually happened).  This blend gives a whole new perspective to a cyberpunk-type theme as they have removed some of the technology which can often make your PCs and NPCs stronger, faster, or whatever.

The concept of lower technology sci-fi is one that game companies often steer clear of as it doesn’t have that super-sci-fi-weapons-hardly-imagined feel.  But it forces the player to think a little more about how their character performs his or her actions and how they use their abilities as best they can; for they can’t rely on technology to save their skin.

Add to this system of character driven play (as opposed to fancy weapon usage) an assortment of espionage, crime, and basic stabbing-in-the-back.  Contested Ground Studios  has definitely created a setting that has a lot of potential and is quite unique.  The game also offers quick setup and play without involving a convoluted character creation system.  And it helps that I’ve now become a part of the development.

To sign-up and become a part of Sunshine’s game development, go to Contested Ground Studios:

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