The Kickstarter for Zone Wars – A Mutant: Year Zero Miniatures Wargame Ends Tomorrow

Just one day remains of the Kickstarter for Zone Wars – a fast and furious game of tabletop miniature skirmishes set in the acclaimed Mutant: Year Zero universe.
Find out more at the Zone Wars Kickstarter page
A print-and-play PDF of Zone Wars is available for download via the campaign page.
Designed to be played by up to four players, Zone Wars is all about embracing mayhem and emergent narrative to create a fun and fast-flowing experience. The Kickstarter campaign features two feature packed boxes with miniatures, paper terrain, rules, cards, dice and more. No assembly needed.
Zone Wars is compatible with the Mutant: Year Zero tabletop RPG – bring your favorite roleplaying character onto the battlefield, or continue the Zone Wars scenarios in the RPG!
Zone Wars is designed by Andy Chambers (Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Dropzone Commander) with Tomas Härenstam (Mutant: Year Zero, ALIEN RPG, Twilight: 2000, Blade Runner RPG, Dragonbane) and Nils Karlén (Coriolis: The Third Horizon, Forbidden Lands).