“Undying Corruption” is a 5e adventure book (levels 1-17) inspired by Korean folklore that spans through the land of Danguk, a fictional country inspired by Korea where gods and spirits lived alongside mortals.
The book will feature new races such as the Lunamorph, rabbits that live on the moon, and Sangun, tigerfolk with the power to transform through the divine power blessed by their ancestor, Honyeo, the Primordial Tiger and at least three subclasses like the “Jeoseung Saja Patron” Warlock, “Oath of Mystics” Paladin, and “Emissary of Paradise” Ranger. There will be new monsters all based on Korean mythology.
Our book heavily features Mudang, or priests of Korean shamanism, a 3000 year old religion. They speak to gods and spirits, intervene in the affairs of men on their behalf, and exorcise malicious wraiths.
Players will play as these Mudang to investigate supernatural activity plaguing the lands and uncover a deadly conspiracy that threatens to consume the country, rooted at the country’s heart.
Back the campaign here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nineheavenspress/undying-corruption-a-korean-5e-adventure
Nine Heavens Press
We’re a team of mostly Korean diaspora and Asian creators in the United States and abroad designing TTRPG projects. Our artists have varying degrees of experience in animation, comics, and games. All of us came together out of a desire to bring to life a well-researched fantasy world based on Korean folklore and history.