Surprise your players with a menagerie of new creatures!
Discover the Knacker, the Grumbler and the Clatterbones. Set your PCs against the Quicksilver Troll, or the wrath of the Moat Terror. Whichever monsters you choose, every one is absolutely brand new, and completely original. Designed for the world’s favourite role-playing game, they’ve never been in a manual, in a folio, or even in a zoo. And they’re just waiting for their chance to munch the party.
Introducing Handimonsters – the brand new 5e Patreon from Handiwork Games.
Designed by industry professionals Jon Hodgson and Jacob Rodgers, Handimonsters offers you a completely new, never-before-seen monster, every week, along with its artwork, stats and full, lore-filled description. Created to the high standards you’d expect from the Handiwork team, these creatures are directly downloadable and ready to go.
Subscription couldn’t be simpler – you can commit to as much or as little as you need. Top tier subscribers will receive additional content and benefits – not only a discount for the Handiwork store, but digital art cards, showing each creature in beautiful detail, home-printable paper minis, and virtual tabletop tokens in both portrait and top-down.
At Handiwork, we’re gamers too, and we understand – sometimes, staying ahead of your players can be challenging. And there’s no better feeling that bringing back the wonder of the new game, the surprise of new content, the shock when your players face something they’ve never seen before. How do they deal with it – fight it? Throw fire at it? Hoik up their robes and run away?
Only you know the answer!
Handimonsters. Bring amazement back to your tabletop.