Without beating around the bush, I bring to you the traffic report for January, 2013.
January’s Traffic Numbers
(These numbers are approximate)
Pageviews: 51,000
Visitors: 7,015
RSS Feed: 10,300
Most Popular January Posts
- Review: Catalyst Game Labs – Dirty Tricks (Shadowrun)
- Books for Role-players: Jim Butcher – Cold Days (The Dresden Files)
- Stench of the Sea Systemless Fantasy Adventure
- Guest Spot – DnD Next Playtest Review
- Review: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- A Word in Edgewise… with Dale C. McCoy, Jr. of Jon Brazer Enterprises
- Review: Wizards of the Coast – Gamma World
- (P)Review: Rite Publishing – The Secrets to Adventuring (Pathfinder)
- Under the Hood – Move It or Lose It!
- Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games, a Primer
Most Popular January Reviews
- Review: Catalyst Game Labs – Dirty Tricks (Shadowrun)
- Books for Role-players: Jim Butcher – Cold Days (The Dresden Files)
- Review: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Review: Wizards of the Coast – Gamma World
- (P)Review: Rite Publishing – The Secrets to Adventuring (Pathfinder)
- Review: Adventureaweek – Crypt of the Sun Lord (Pathfinder)
- Review: White Wolf – The World of Darkness (Storytelling System)
- Review: Game Room Creations – The Modern Path (Pathfinder)
- Review: Corefun Studios – Player’s Guide (Solar Echoes)
- Review: Rite Publishing – Way of the Samurai (Kaidan)
Most Popular January Articles
- Guest Spot – DnD Next Playtest Review
- A Word in Edgewise… with Dale C. McCoy, Jr. of Jon Brazer Enterprises
- Under the Hood – Move It or Lose It!
- Tales from the Gazebo – Guns in Games, a Primer
- Under the Hood – Right Writing
- Under the Hood – Lock ‘n’ Load
- Letters to the Industry – Find your Niche
- Under the Hood – A Level Playing Field
- Letters from the Editor – December, 2012 Traffic Report
- Under the Hood – John and Jane Doe, Human Fighters
Most Active Genres (Ongoing)
- Epic Fantasy
- Superhero
- Space Opera
- Fantasy (basic, untyped)
- Retro Fantasy (OSR)
- Generic Universal (fits all genres)
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Space Travel
- Modern Action
- Historical
Most Active Systems (Ongoing)
- Pathfinder
- Universal (systemless)
- Savage Worlds
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Mutants & Masterminds
- Traveller
- Warhammer 40k (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deatwatch, Black Crusade, Only War)
- Shadowrun
Most Active Settings (Ongoing)
- Cthulhu Mythos (Various)
- Heroes Wear Masks (Avalon Games)
- NeoExodus (LPJ Design)
- Coliseum Morpheuon (Rite Publishing)
- Otherverse Games (Skortched Urf’ Studios)
- Midgard (Kobold Press)
- War of the Dead (Daring Entertainment)
- WatchGuard (Xion Studios)
- Suzerain (Savage Mojo)
- Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games)
Most Active Publishers (Ongoing)
- Paizo Publishing
- Rite Publishing
- Raging Swan Press
- Avalon Games
- DramaScape
- Super Genius Games
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Occult Moon
- Green Ronin Publishing
- Wizards of the Coast
Thank you everyone for a wonderful January! Make sure you check Roleplayers Chronicle everyday to get the latest news and at 2:00 PM CST for our Featured Article.
Aaron T. Huss
Roleplayers Chronicle