Tyranny of Goblins
Tyranny of Goblins is a faction set from the epic fantasy war game Dungeon Command, flavored in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, published by Wizards of the Coast.
By Aaron T. Huss
Learn more about Tyranny of Goblins here
Purchase Dungeon Command: Tyranny of Goblins: A Dungeons & Dragons Expansion Pack (D&D Miniatures Product)
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Tyranny of Goblins is the third faction set for the fantasy skirmish war game Dungeon Command. Like the first two factions, it contains a collection of cards for game-play, pre-painted miniatures, tokens, and tiles for building the battlemap. Tyranny of Goblins features a goblin force combined with bugbears, hobgoblins, wolves, a troll, and a horned devil. The flavor of the set fits the goblin theme quite well and as before, the set is an excellent part of this simple skirmish war game.
Although not a fan of goblins, using the goblin force within the Dungeons & Dragons universe for Dungeon Command is a perfect fit matching the theme of the system and the flavor of the universe. Goblins are definitely a prevalent element within Dungeons & Dragons and choosing them as the third faction was a wise decision.
Publication Quality: 9 out of 10
Tyranny of Goblins is very high-quality set, just like the first two. The pre-painted miniatures are amazing for being pre-painted and the accompanying cards are mostly flavored for the goblins. I did find it odd that many of the cards did not feature characters found within the goblin force, but that could simply be that Wizards of the Coast is reusing cards from other sets without changing the artwork to save on cost. The tiles are a little bland and I’m not that impressed with how they match the flavor of the goblin force. Yes they match-up with the tiles from the other two sets, but they seem like more of an extension of the previous tiles than a set that is married with the goblin flavor. However, the tiles still look fantastic and are nice and thick and the overall presentation of the set is quite amazing.
Mechanics: 10 out of 10
I like the simpleness of Dungeon Command and how it really embraces that skirmish feel and the ability to command your force through a leader that is not actually present on the battefield. When you look through the cards, you’ll find a number of mechanics that cater to the goblin force and a force that really embraces that goblin look and feel.
Desire to Play: 9 out of 10
Although not a fan of goblins myself, I can see the appeal others would have. They are a rowdy looking bunch and are full of goblin flavor. It’s an interesting force to match-up against the heroes or the drow, and the addition of the troll and horned devil pretty much seal the desire to bring this force to bear. Rather than fielding a horde of goblins, you get a faction that is seemingly matched with the other factions, although a goblin horde could be interesting.
Overall: 9 out of 10
I find the Tyranny of Goblins set to be a great addition to Dungeon Command in terms of flavor and ability. However, I think adding goblins to a skirmish game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe is a perfect idea as they always seem to be a pillar of campaigns in some form. Seeing fun factions like this make me wonder what the future holds for Dungeon Command.