Entry Guidelines and Competition Timetable Now Available for the 2014 Windhammer Prize

Arborell.com is pleased to announce that the competition guidelines and timetable for the 2014 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction are now available.

This contest is proudly sponsored by arborell.com and continues in its seventh year as a means to promote the gamebook genre, and to provide exposure within a competitive environment for aspiring gamebook authors. In particular this prize values creative and original works of gamebook fiction. The challenge given to those who wish to participate is to develop a full gamebook experience whilst meeting stringent requirements regarding length and original content.

This competition is open to all gamebook writers and requires no entry fee or other costs. All prospective participants should note that there have been changes to the competition rules and all authors should be aware of these changes prior to submission. Most important amongst these are an increase in the maximum word count to 25,000 words and clarification of how illustrations may be included in competition entries. The prize pool remains the same for 2014 and includes commercial publication of First Prize and Merit Award winners, cash prizes and certificates memorialising all winning entries.

All information regarding the 2014 Windhammer Prize can be found at: http://www.arborell.com/windhammer_prize.html

More information regarding the sponsor of this competition can be found at: http://www.arborell.com/

Wayne Densley
2014 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
Chronicles of Arborell

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