Custom Chainmail Dicebags by VHD
You design it, we make it! The color, pattern, overall design, all your choice, we work with you every step to get exactly what you want.
This Kickstarter’s main emphases is the Design process, we leave the control in the hands of the backers. There are 3 different bag sizes, available in stretch or non-stretch weaving, 18 colors of metal rings, 9 colors of rubber rings to make it stretch if you want, 11 Leather cord or 11 Parachute Cord colors for the draw string, and last 16 colors of Cord Locks.
“Our ultimate goal is to make sure you get the most personalized dice bag you can get. I thought about how many times in all my years of playing, how much i would love to have my Clan or Families color’s for the game i was playing. I’m hoping to give the chance for this to you all, so I only ask that you keep what i said above in mind during your design process. “
As far as custom designs go, such as very worked out patterns or even inlay designs, this still falls into the same category of making sure you get what you want. We have been working with every backer one on one since day one trying to figure out exactly what they want. Basic patterns you see on the example pictures included such as spirals, or straight up and down patterns are included for no extra cost. The more intricate designs such as inlays and the like, we will determine at what point an extra fee of only $10 is needed to make this happen. This simply covers the cost of extra time being spent on any one bag.
I personally use these bags, and have had no issue with anything yet. I made these almost a year ago to make sure they were tested thoroughly. We weave the rings so well there should never be an issue of damage to your dice, or anything else for that matter. I have tossed the bags around filled with die with no issue; the rubber almost creates a cushion. The rings are made of Aluminum and EPDM. The Aluminum makes the bags nice and light weight while still holding integrity. You never have to worry about the rings turning since they are coated and protected. This does not mean they cannot scratch if rubbed across a rough surface just like anything else! The EPDM rings are the rubber rings which create the Stretch ability of the bags. They are very sturdy and I have yet to experience one breaking, in any application I have used them in.
For a Kickstarter, I believe one of the most important topics to always cover is the delivery date. We had set goals for delivery on certain pledges and how it was going to run smoothly. That said, we have changed up the delivery method a bit. All “Early Bird” backers will be the first to receive their bags, which will then be followed by all other backers in the order they pledged. We will work with backers who request extremely intricate patterns or designs to come up with a timeframe for delivery.
Back the Kickstarter here: