Pathfinder Critical Combat Kickstarter Campaign

Total Party Kill Games recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for a new Pathfinder supplement that builds upon the critical hits and fumbles rules.

Back the Kickstarter here.

In days past, critical hits were a simple doubling of damage for scoring a well-placed blow upon an enemy. As games evolved, the notions of critical hits did too. Soon, there were expansions to the rules and critical hits could dish out even more damage and a multitude of charts were crafted so that you could die from an arrow to the eye, ad infinitum, until the whole system became so convoluted that it actually stopped adding value to the game. The scythe-wielding fighter that deals 180 points of damage on a critical hit really diminishes the fun of the game for the other players and the GM as well.

Paizo introduced their critical hit and fumble deck in 2009. The cards added a lot of flavor to the game, but the mechanics and effects for criticals and fumbles were necessarily limited by card space. What they did though was introduce official mechanics that reduced the sheer amount of hit point damage output in games, and gave critical hits and fumbles a more condition-based effect.

It was a great start…

Laying Waste is built upon the foundation of those critical hit and fumble decks, but goes much further. Laying Waste is an entire modular rules set that replaces the existing critical hit system, and is suitable for any d20-based game. Its mechanics are intuitive and simple, yet allow for a wide array of effects and conditions that are designed to be balanced and enhance your game’s combat scenarios. With a name like Total Party Kill Games, you can rest assured (R.I.P.) we will do critical hits justice!

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